A-Level Admission

Session: July 2024-June 2026

Admission forms for Advanced Level applicants (Session 2024-25) will be available from Sunday, 5th May 2024. You are requested to collect the forms from the Mastermind English Medium School Head office (both Dhanmondi and Uttara). Classes will commence in July 2024.

Documents to be submitted:

  1. A photocopy of the student’s passport
  2. A photograph of the statement of entry
  3. Report card of class IX, X, and Mock result (not applicable for Mastermind Students)
  4. One passport size photo of the student
  5. One passport size photo of each parent
  6. Photographs: 2 passport size and 6 stamp size photos of the students ( to be taken wearing A-Level school uniform and must be submitted with 7 days after admission)
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Please contact the following for more information:

Mastermind English Medium School (Dhanmondi Campus):
Phone: 01309759700, 01712508981
House no#5, Road No#12(new),
Dhanmondi, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Mastermind English Medium School (Uttara Campus)
Phone: 01715246112, 01304420372
House no#39, Gausal Azam Avenue, Sector#14,
Uttara,  Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Subjects offered in A-Levels:

Students must complete a minimum of 7(seven) subjects during O-Level to get admission into A-Level. Students may only choose subjects they have successfully completed during their O-Level examinations with a minimum grade of ‘C’ or above. Students are advised to choose a minimum of 3 (three) subjects and a maximum of 5 (five) subjects to complete A-Level .



Subjects Subject Code Subjects Subject Code
Mathematics 9709

P1P3 Mechanics S1


Mathematics P1P2P3P4M1S1



Physics 9702 Further Mathematics YFM01
Chemistry 9701 Pure Mathematics YPM01

P1P2P3P4FP1FP2 / FP3

Biology 9700 Physics YPH11
Economics 9708 Chemistry YCH11
Accounting 9706 Biology YBI11
Business 9609 Economics YEC11
English Language 9093 Accounting YAC11
Law 9084 Business YBS11
Computer Science 9618 English Language YEN01
Law YLA1
Computer Science 9618